目前分類:世界名曲 (74)

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「山谷裡的燈火」照字面的翻譯,應該是「山谷裡該點燈的時候」(When It's Lamp Lighting Time in the Valley)。這首歌是在1933年由英國流浪漢合唱團所唱紅的一首民歌。歌詞大意 ­是描述一個遠在異鄉的浪子懷思家鄉的心境。蠻不錯的首民謠歌曲。

我喜歡這段影音裡面的圖片 述說著美國黑人的身世 遭遇和解放

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正好找到這篇 有解說 有不同語言版本





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德國的萊茵河畔有一塊岩石叫做羅蕾萊 (Lorelei, 又作 Loreley). 據說上面常出現一位愛唱歌的美女, 所有行船經過的水手無不為她美麗的歌聲所誘惑...
因此, 所有經過羅蕾萊的船隻無不觸礁撞毀, 沉沒於萊茵河急促的水流中...

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週日去奇美聽尤虹文的演奏 第一首曲子 愛的禮讚


這首樂曲的一部分就被韓國編成了這首歌 再被填上中文歌詞

是我第一次聽就很喜歡的歌曲 特地找出來跟大家分享

慶祝 歌詞

每個夢都得到祝福 每顆淚都變成珍珠
每盞燈都像許願的蠟燭 每一天都值得慶祝

當年的妳什麼都怕 怎麼會變成女警察
妳不是說永遠不嫁 搶先生了個胖娃娃
我們都在偷偷的長大 把簡單都變的複雜
當初最簡單的夢 可別忘啦

每個夢都得到祝福 每顆淚都變成珍珠
每盞燈都像許願的蠟燭 每一天都值得慶祝

沒有一點生疏尷尬 尖叫著彼此的變化
誰發了財誰苦哈哈 這一刻煩惱誰理它
我們還在慢慢的長大 遲早會看見白頭髮

女生天生的單純 不會氧化

每個夢都得到祝福 每顆淚都變成珍珠
每盞燈都像許願的蠟燭 每一天都值得慶祝

看不到成熟的辛苦 聽不見世界的忙碌
夢穿著無憂無慮的制服 在心裡長成一顆樹

每個夢都得到祝福 每顆淚都變成珍珠
每盞燈都像許願的蠟燭 每一天都值得慶祝

英國 艾爾加  愛的禮讚




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dragonite8882010-03-20 上傳

Originally, this was an old American folk song named Moonlight On The Colorado in 1930. Robert A. "Bobo" King composed the tune while Billy Moll wrote the lyrics. I believe Jimmy Noone first sang this song.

In 1983, 蔡琴 sang the Mandarin version called 科羅拉多之夜 (literally meaning: Colorado Night). It first appeared from the 世界名曲專輯(1983/海山) album. 文杰 is the lyrcist in this Chinese version.

科羅拉多之夜 (原曲:Moonlight On The Colorado)
作曲﹕ Robert A. "Bobo" King

清風吹動了湖邊的垂柳 好像在對我細語一般
我對著湖心默默地思念 遠方的友人是否平安

歸來吧朋友 回到我身邊 碧空中星光點點
天邊的明月在對我訴說 啊~科羅拉多美麗的故鄉

清風吹動了湖邊的垂柳 好像在對我眨著雙眼
遠方的友人你是否康健 為甚麼欲言卻又無語

歸來吧朋友 回到我身邊 月光裡歌聲頻傳
悠揚的旋律緊扣我心弦 啊~科羅拉多美麗的夜晚

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【大紀元12月21日訊】「山谷裡的燈火」照字面的直譯,應該是「山谷裡該點燈的時候」(When It's Lamp Lighting Time in the Valley )。這首歌是在1933 年由英國流浪漢合唱團(The Vagabonds)所唱紅的一首歌,歌詞的大意是描述一個遠在異鄉的浪子懷念著住在山谷裡的母親,隨後陸續又有幾位不同的歌星演唱過這首歌,再被翻譯成不同的語言,所以就出現了不同的版本。


There's a lamp shining bright in the cabin
In the window it's shining for me.
I know Mother sits waiting and praying
For the boy that she's longing to see.

When it's lamp lighting time in the valley
Then in dreams I go back to my home.
I can see that old lamp in the window
It will guide me where ever I roam.

In the lamplight each night I can see her
As she rocks in her chair to and fro'
Tho' she prays that I'll come back to see her
Still I know that I never can go.

Now she lights up that lamp and sits waiting
She knows not the deeds I have done.
But I'll change all my ways and go see her
Up in Heaven when life's race is run.

When it's lamp lighting time in the valley
And the shadows of night gently fall
It is then that I long for the valley
And I miss you, Mother dear, most of all.

譬如,在1935年,瑞典作曲家赫爾斯充(Nils Hellstrom)改寫的歌詞中,燈改成了蠟燭,雖然歌詞中沒有其它關於耶誕節的片語隻字,但是由於蠟燭的暗示太強烈了,這首歌就變成為一首耶誕歌曲,而且還流行了好多年。

也許是歌詞中有一句描述到遊子返鄉探母無望,所以有的歌迷認為這是一首美國西部一個死囚表達對母親的思念之情,但是也有歌迷認為寫的是從歐陸移民到美國的異鄉遊子 。不過子女對年邁雙親的孺慕之情,舉世皆然,一首能得到共鳴的歌曲,必定是能反映出人心裡最純真的感情,也一定耐得起時間和距離的考驗。@*

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當年看電影 就對此曲印象特別深

當年沒有唱片 自己就在爸爸給我的一本"世界名曲精華"

找出詞譜來吹著口琴抓旋律 學唱

One day when we were young...........


One day when we were young
That wonderful morning in May
You told me you loved me
When we were young one day
Sweet songs of spring were sung
And music was never so gay
You told me you loved me
When we were young one day

You told me you loved me
And held me close to your heart
We laughed then, we cried then
Then came the time to part
When songs of spring are sung
Remember that morning in May
Remember you loved me
When we were young one day

We laughed then, we cried then

Then came the time to part
When songs of spring are sung
Remember that morning in May
Remember you loved me
When we were young one day...

I  think I am still young in mind,

 although there were so many stories of the past.

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boogetman652011-07-25 上傳

世界名曲《La Paloma 》被世人頌唱,已有整140年了。它是西班牙作曲家Sebastián Iradier 在1861年,到過古巴後,而生產的作品。兩年後就過世的他,完全沒有料到曲子如此受到全世界性的認同、和喜愛。

新時代樂隊伴奏 Music Accompanied By The New Stylers.

❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤

白鴿 ❤ La Paloma

無奈 ❤ 像波濤它衝擊著我心海
Helplessly ❤ It's Like Billows Hitting The Sea In My heart

我的愛 ❤ 謝謝你過去對我的關懷
My Love ❤ Thank You For The Care Given To Me In The Past

如今 ❤ 為了理想要漂泊到海外
Nowadays ❤ Need To be Wandering Abroad For The Ideals

我的愛 ❤ 是否你會耐心等我歸來
My Love ❤ If You Will Patiently Wait For Me To Be Home

Ooh La Paloma Blanca 藍天與海洋
Ooh La Paloma Blanca, Blue Sky, And The Ocean

Because Of My Ambition And Hope I should Go To Distance

Ooh La Paloma Blanca 親愛的你哪 (Niña)
Ooh La Paloma Blanca, My Dearest Girl

你送我定情戒指 ❤ 我願為你戴上
Ring Token Of Love You Sent Me ❤ I Am Willing To Put On For You

請不要為愛徬徨 ❤ 讓我安心的啟航
Please Do Not Anxious For Love ❤ Let Me Feel At Ease To Set The Sail

啊 . . . . . . .
Ah . . . . . . .

會想去或分開 ❤ 命運它早已安排
Coming Home Or Separate ❤ It Has Long Been The Fate Of The Arrangement

請不要為愛悲傷 ❤ 祝福我一路平安
Please Do Not Feel Sorrow For Love ❤ Wishes Me A Safe Journey Home

啊 . . . . . . .
Ah . . . . . . .

別了我的愛 ❤ 希望寄託未來
Farewell My Love ❤ Entrust Our Hope To The Future


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微風靜悄悄地吹過原野 營火在暮色中照耀

你和我手拉手婆娑起舞 跳一跳轉個圈真快樂

營火在歌聲中成為餘燼 莫忘一世童軍的諾言

你和我手拉手婆娑起舞 跳一跳轉個圈真快樂


從這美麗山谷與你別離 我們將失去你的芳影

明亮的眼睛和甜蜜微笑 都隨著快樂往日逝去

請坐在我身旁真心不移 不要急忙對我說再會

莫忘記美麗的紅河谷 有我們共同美好回憶


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 鱒魚(Die Forelle)原來是一首詩,由德國十八世紀的詩人舒伯特所作,他因為政治因素遭當局囚禁達十年之久,在牢獄中為了表達出對於自由的渴望,而寫了這首作品來表達心跡。


以下歌詞引用: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/may2008-may2008/article?mid=18976&prev=19007&next=18926

鱒魚(Die Forelle)

In einem Bachlein helle, da schoss in froher Eil,
die launische Forelle voruber wie ein Pfeil.
Ich stand an dem Gestade und sah in susser Ruh,
des muntern Fischleins Bade im klaren Bachlein zu.
Ein Fischer mit der Rute wohl an dem Ufer stand,
und sah’s mit kalten Blute, wie sich das Fischlein wand.
So lang dem Wasser helle, so dacht ich nicht gebricht,
so fangter die Forelle mit seiner Angel nicht,  
Doch endlich ward dem Diebe, die Zeit zu lang.
Er macht das Bachlein tukkisch trube,
und eh—ich es gedacht, so zuckte seine Rute,
das fischlein, das fischlein zappelt dran,
Und ich mit regem Blute sah die Betrogne an
Und ich mit regem Blute sah die Betrogne an
我血液沸騰 忿怒地看著這奸邪狡詐
我血液沸騰 忿怒地看著這奸邪狡詐


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唱成雞肉 紅蘿蔔 送你葱 好多了


似水還是呼吸 是夢事成 這謎語呼喚聲  纏動我心 是無影還是誰 在我身旁 
這夜般魅影歌聲不停的  向我呼喚
只有在夢宴中 你我共鳴 這靈魂宴會ㄚ~妳不疏醒 用妳脆弱心靈 在我身旁
這夜般魅影歌聲不停的 向妳呼喚 
你是禁固幽靈 為夜而生 我為你或白晝 ()訴我心聲 ()我的靈魂和你()   歌聲相約
這夜般魅影歌聲不停的 向妳()呼喚
在夢宴中的妳 可曾疑問  是魂是人魅影  ()越講越真 ()生活在迷宮裡  魂魄相成
這夜般魅影歌聲不停的 向妳()呼喚 
附錄:賣菜大嬸 今夜無人入眠



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Darling, I am growing old,
Silver threads among the gold,
Shine upon my brow today,
Life is fading fast away.
But, my darling, you will be, will be
Always young and fair to me,
Yes, my darling, you will be
Always young and fair to me.
Darling, I am growing old,
Silver threads among the gold,
Shine upon my brow today;
Life is fading fast away.
When your hair is silver white,
And your cheeks no longer bright,
With the roses of the May,
I will kiss your lips and say,
Oh! My darling, mine alone, alone,
You have never older grown!
Yes, my darling, mine alone,
You have never older grown!
Love can never more grow old,
Locks may lose their brown and gold;
Cheeks may fade and hollow grow,
But the hearts that love will know,
Never, never winters frost and chill;
Summer warmth is in them still;
Never winters frost and chill,
Summer warmth is in them still.

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尤其想到鳳飛飛已喪失最愛  更是有著不同的感受


包美聖版 我本來就很愛包美聖的歌聲  這裡我也喜歡它的伴奏


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As I was a-goin'

On down the road
With a tired team
And a heavy load
I cracked my whip
And the leader sprung
I says day-day
To the wagon tongue

Turkey in the straw
Turkey in the straw
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up
A high tuck a-haw
And hit 'em up a tune called
Turkey in the Straw

Went out to milk
And I didn't know how
I milked the goat
Instead of the cow
A monkey sittin'
On a pile of straw
A winkin' at
His mother-in-law

Turkey in the straw
Turkey in the straw
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up
A high tuck a-haw
And hit 'em up a tune called
Turkey in the Straw

 I came to the river
And I couldn't get across
So I paid five dollars
For a big bay hoss
Well, he wouldn't go ahead
And he wouldn't stand still
So he went up and down
Like an old saw mill

Turkey in the straw
Turkey in the straw
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up
A high tuck a-haw
And hit 'em up a tune called
Turkey in the Straw

Did you ever go fishin'
On a warm summer day
When all the fish
Were swimmin' in the bay
With their hands in their pockets
And their pockets in their pants
Did you ever see a fishie
Do the Hootchy-Kootchy Dance?

Turkey in the straw
Turkey in the straw
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up
A high tuck a-haw
And hit 'em up a tune called
Turkey in the Straw





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Grandfather's Clock
- lyrics & music by Henry Clay Work(1876)

My grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf,
So it stood ninety years on the floor;
It was taller by half than the old man himself,
Though it weighed not a pennyweight more.
It was bought on the morn of the day that he was born,
And was always his treasure and pride;
But it stopp'd short, never to go again
When the old man died.

Ninety years, without slumbering (tick,tick,tick,tick),
His life seconds slumbering (tick, tick, tick, tick),
It stopp'd short never to go again,
When the old man died.

In watching its pendulum swing to and fro,
Many hours had he spent while a boy;
And in childhood and manhood the clock seemed to know
And to share both his grief and his joy.
For it struck twenty-four when he entered at the door,
With a blooming and beautiful bride;
But it stopp'd short, never to go again
When the old man died.

My grandfather said of those he could hire,
Not a servant so faithful he found;
For it wasted no time, and had but one desire
At the close of each week to be wound.
And kept in its place not a frown upon its face,
And ist hands never hung by its side;
But it stopp'd short, never to go again
When the old man died.

It rang an alarm in the dead of the night
An alarm that for years had been dumb;
And we knew that his spirit was pluming for flight
That his hour of departure had come.
Still the clock kept the time, with a soft and muffled chime,
As we silently stood by his side;
But it stopp'd short, never to go again
When the old man died.



古老的大鐘原詞原曲的作者叫做Henry Clay Work(1832-1884),是19世紀美國的一位詩人兼作曲家,他生於康乃狄克州,他的作品相當豐富, 相關資料,請看以下連結:http://www.pdmusic.org/work.html 


關於這首歌背後的故事有兩種說法,第一個就是這是作者Henry Clay Work祖父的真實故事,透過伴隨祖父一生的老時鐘故事,帶領孩子回顧祖父由誕生、結婚而至老死的一生,曲子在嘀答不歇的鐘擺節奏中進行,藉由矗立家中的大時鐘娓娓敘述生命的悲喜與起落。而老時鐘最後亦在老人百年後停擺,歌詞哀傷感人。

而另一種說法,是在一個英國的Piercebridge的地方,一對名叫Jenkins的兄弟開著一間叫做George Hotel的旅館。在旅館的大廳站著一座直立的鐘,這個大古老的大鐘原詞原曲的作者叫做Henry Clay Work(1832-1884),是19世紀美國的一位詩人兼作曲家,他生於康乃狄克州,他的作品相當豐富, 相關資料,請看以下連結:http://www.pdmusic.org/work.html 


關於這首歌背後的故事有兩種說法,第一個就是這是作者Henry Clay Work祖父的真實故事,透過伴隨祖父一生的老時鐘故事,帶領孩子回顧祖父由誕生、結婚而至老死的一生,曲子在嘀答不歇的鐘擺節奏中進行, 藉由矗立家中的大時鐘娓娓敘述生命的悲喜與起落。而老時鐘最後亦在老人百年後停擺,歌詞哀傷感人。

而另一種說法,是在一個英國的Piercebridge的地方,一對名叫Jenkins的兄弟開著一間叫做George Hotel的旅館。在旅館的大廳站著一座直立的鐘,這個大鐘非常非常的準時,直到有一天兩兄弟裡的哥哥死了,本來精確報時的大鐘開始變慢,先是好幾天少掉一分鐘,再來一天慢掉一分鐘,然後是一天慢了好幾分鐘。鐘錶匠試圖來修理這個大鐘,但是都徒勞無功。就在兩兄弟裡已高齡九十歲的弟弟也死的那天,這個鐘也停了,再也沒走過。雖然旅館的新主人試圖再叫人來修理時鐘,但都失敗了。而這個時鐘似乎成為旅館裡一個神祕的標的物。於是他們便把他安安靜靜地留在大廳的角落。

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原曲:《Auld Lang Syne》 
作曲: 蘇格蘭民歌 
作詞: 伯恩斯 
編曲: 梁軍 

怎能忘記舊日朋友 心中能不懷想
舊日朋友豈能相忘 友誼地久天長

我們曾經終日遊蕩 在故鄉的青山上
友誼永存 朋友 友誼永存
舉杯痛飲同聲歌唱 友誼地久天長

我們也曾終日逍遙 蕩槳在綠波上
嘆如今卻勞燕分飛 遠隔大海重洋
友誼永存 朋友 友誼永存
舉杯痛飲同聲歌唱 友誼地久天長

讓我們緊密挽著手 情誼永不相忘
讓我們來舉杯暢飲 友誼地久天長
友誼永存 朋友 友誼永存
舉杯痛飲同聲歌唱 友誼地久天長



Auld Lang Syne -- Scottish traditional

"Auld Lang Syne" -- 是蘇格蘭民謠,但對於遠在台灣長大的人們卻一點也不陌生, 這首被稱為"驪歌 "的 "Auld Lang Syne"。 在台灣, 從幼稚園畢業典禮到喪禮, 都可說是唯一指定曲, 從不缺席。 在台灣人的印象中, "Auld Lang Syne"似乎只有代表無盡的悲傷和"生離死別"的場合才使用的歌曲。

"Auld Lang Syne" 一辭之意為"long ago (很久以前)",是中世紀時, 蘇格蘭人對即將出海的漁夫或水手們道別時, 所用的"再見"之語。

18世紀時, 著名的蘇格蘭詩人兼作曲家 Robert Burns (亦稱為Rabbie Burns) 將蘇格蘭傳統曲調稍作改編, 並填上歌詞, 將"Auld Lang Syne"一辭用於歌詞中, 而成為現在膾炙人口的歌曲。

其蘊含的意義其實很深遠, 不僅有忘卻過去的悲傷之意, 更有鼓勵人們展望未來, 積極把握此刻的涵義, 因為 "昨年已逝, 新的一年即將到來。

"Auld Lang Syne"並不是只有悲傷, 其實是帶有"緬懷"及"期許" 雙重涵義的歌曲。

現在, 幾乎在所有英語系國家中, 每到除夕午夜12點, 跨年的鐘聲響起, 人們都會舉杯互祝對方, 大聲歡唱這首"Auld Lang Syne", 正式宣告舊的一年已經過去, 而新的一年已經來臨, 藉此相互勉勵, 忘掉過去, 並期許美好的新未來。



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一直以為自己對旋律很熟 因為以前學生時代唱過  "夏天裡過海洋"

而起前幾年的豆子據團(兒童劇)劇碼: "尋找守門員"也適用這個旋律


結果 今天的國語版本下來 我唱的還是哩哩拉拉 因為要把字詞配對音符


女人最善變   像羽毛在風中

無論他是快樂   還是在憂愁

他時常有笑容   心中是難猜透

那笑容都只是  虛偽和不可靠

虛偽和不可靠  虛偽和不可靠


誰若是不慎   竟然對她傾心

往往只落得  永遠是傷心

但是世人偏偏要  追求她的愛

嚐不到這滋味  便以為不美滿

女人最善變  像羽毛在風中

那笑容都是虛偽   虛偽和不可靠

 虛偽和不可靠     虛偽和不可靠



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What a friend we have in Jesus

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All ours sins and griefs to bear,
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

(Are we weak and heavy laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour still our refuge;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.)
Do thy friends despise forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He ll take and shield thee;
Thou wilt find a solace there.

1820-1886 Joseph M.Scriven, 1832-1918 Charles C. Converse
Words and Music by Joseph M.Scriven and Charles C. Converse

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