影音連結: 愛是你愛是我

《愛是你愛是我》Love is you and me 崔苔菁

你帶來了一片溫柔 溫暖了我的心窩
You brought me tenderness,
warmed up my heart.
採一束並蒂的花朵 愛是你愛是我
Pick a spray of flowers,
love is you, love is me!

你比誰都愛我 深情脈脈 萬千輕柔
You love me more than anyone does,
such a profound passion and so much tender love.
啦啦啦 啦啦啦
Lalala Lalala
誰讓我們歡樂 是你是我
Who made us so happy?
It is you, it is me.

我知道愛是什麼 愛藏著甜蜜和溫柔
I know what love is.
Love covers sweetness and tenderness.
在我們相愛的時刻 愛是你愛是我
When we are in love,
love is you, love is me!


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