
No-one yet knows whether swine flu will become a global pandemic, but it is becoming clear where it came from – most likely a giant pig factory farm run by an American multinational corporation in Veracruz, Mexico

Evidence is emerging that traces swine flu to giant factory pig farms that are dirty, dangerous, and inhumane. Sign the petition to the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization to investigate and regulate these threats to our health:

請點擊 連署

不知道在這裡轉貼連署的連結是否違規  如有不妥煩請告知

越來越少讀英文了   剛剛收到這封信 才知道豬流感 的英語用詞是  "swine flu "

根據這個組織的消息  新流感的來源是在墨西哥的養豬場 這養豬場是一家美國跨國公司所經營

這些養豬場既骯髒 又擁擠  對待豬隻也很不人道

請簽署請願信 給世界衛生組織 以及食物和農業組織 對這些農場展開調查與處分


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