A Place in My Heart
------Nana Mouskouri
(J.P.Ferland / Shaper)
I got your letter yesterday
From some small town I never knew
It told me you were on your way
But not where you were going to
You said you're following the sun
But do you really know for sure
That after all is said and done
Just what it is you' re looking for
There' s a place in my heart
I wish that your eyes could see
And there' s no one on earth
Who loves you as much as me
If you just travel on and on
Till I don't know where
There's a place in my heart
You may never find again
And so you travel with the wind
You' ll find some road to fly along
And though your letter says the word
Your heart may soon forget the song
Then you may someday write the poem
That tells your life in words of fire
But you will never have a home
Or find the love that you desire
( Repeat 3-4-)
And so you're heading for the sea
Now that the flowers are in bloom
Just when the wild mimosa tree
Is like the colour of our room
( Repeat 4 )
娜娜·穆斯庫莉(希臘語:Nάνα Μούσχουρη,1934年10月13日-),希臘歌手,國際流行音樂歌星,60年代成名,80年代走紅全球。據稱唱過1000多首暢銷歌曲,用多種語言灌制過唱片,創下300個百萬唱片發行記錄。被譽為 "希臘國寶"「雅典的白玫瑰」(這也是她曾演唱的一首暢銷歌曲的歌名。)
娜娜15歲進入雅典音樂學院開始了她的音樂學習。在那裡她學習了8年聲樂、鋼琴和和聲。同時她自己對爵士也產生濃厚興趣,並登台演出。音樂學院對此不滿,讓她沒有拿到畢業證書就離開學校。1958年她參加了雅典的一個爵士音樂俱樂部,不久又認識了作曲家Manos Hadjidakis,他寫的曲子對她成名有很大的幫助。自1958年她在雅典錄製第一首歌曲以來,數十年她演唱和錄製了1550首歌曲,其中包括用多種外國語言演唱的歌曲,有法語、德語、英語、西班牙語、義大利語,甚至還有中文、荷蘭語、葡萄牙語、日語、俄語、Wallonisch語和Hebräisch語。她的特色形象包裝是黑色長髮和黑邊方框眼鏡。這種打扮在當時還十分罕見。