
Grandfather's Clock
- lyrics & music by Henry Clay Work(1876)

My grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf,
So it stood ninety years on the floor;
It was taller by half than the old man himself,
Though it weighed not a pennyweight more.
It was bought on the morn of the day that he was born,
And was always his treasure and pride;
But it stopp'd short, never to go again
When the old man died.

Ninety years, without slumbering (tick,tick,tick,tick),
His life seconds slumbering (tick, tick, tick, tick),
It stopp'd short never to go again,
When the old man died.

In watching its pendulum swing to and fro,
Many hours had he spent while a boy;
And in childhood and manhood the clock seemed to know
And to share both his grief and his joy.
For it struck twenty-four when he entered at the door,
With a blooming and beautiful bride;
But it stopp'd short, never to go again
When the old man died.

My grandfather said of those he could hire,
Not a servant so faithful he found;
For it wasted no time, and had but one desire
At the close of each week to be wound.
And kept in its place not a frown upon its face,
And ist hands never hung by its side;
But it stopp'd short, never to go again
When the old man died.

It rang an alarm in the dead of the night
An alarm that for years had been dumb;
And we knew that his spirit was pluming for flight
That his hour of departure had come.
Still the clock kept the time, with a soft and muffled chime,
As we silently stood by his side;
But it stopp'd short, never to go again
When the old man died.


古老的大鐘原詞原曲的作者叫做Henry Clay Work(1832-1884),是19世紀美國的一位詩人兼作曲家,他生於康乃狄克州,他的作品相當豐富, 相關資料,請看以下連結: 


關於這首歌背後的故事有兩種說法,第一個就是這是作者Henry Clay Work祖父的真實故事,透過伴隨祖父一生的老時鐘故事,帶領孩子回顧祖父由誕生、結婚而至老死的一生,曲子在嘀答不歇的鐘擺節奏中進行,藉由矗立家中的大時鐘娓娓敘述生命的悲喜與起落。而老時鐘最後亦在老人百年後停擺,歌詞哀傷感人。

而另一種說法,是在一個英國的Piercebridge的地方,一對名叫Jenkins的兄弟開著一間叫做George Hotel的旅館。在旅館的大廳站著一座直立的鐘,這個大古老的大鐘原詞原曲的作者叫做Henry Clay Work(1832-1884),是19世紀美國的一位詩人兼作曲家,他生於康乃狄克州,他的作品相當豐富, 相關資料,請看以下連結: 


關於這首歌背後的故事有兩種說法,第一個就是這是作者Henry Clay Work祖父的真實故事,透過伴隨祖父一生的老時鐘故事,帶領孩子回顧祖父由誕生、結婚而至老死的一生,曲子在嘀答不歇的鐘擺節奏中進行, 藉由矗立家中的大時鐘娓娓敘述生命的悲喜與起落。而老時鐘最後亦在老人百年後停擺,歌詞哀傷感人。

而另一種說法,是在一個英國的Piercebridge的地方,一對名叫Jenkins的兄弟開著一間叫做George Hotel的旅館。在旅館的大廳站著一座直立的鐘,這個大鐘非常非常的準時,直到有一天兩兄弟裡的哥哥死了,本來精確報時的大鐘開始變慢,先是好幾天少掉一分鐘,再來一天慢掉一分鐘,然後是一天慢了好幾分鐘。鐘錶匠試圖來修理這個大鐘,但是都徒勞無功。就在兩兄弟裡已高齡九十歲的弟弟也死的那天,這個鐘也停了,再也沒走過。雖然旅館的新主人試圖再叫人來修理時鐘,但都失敗了。而這個時鐘似乎成為旅館裡一個神祕的標的物。於是他們便把他安安靜靜地留在大廳的角落。

    創作者 麗思 的頭像


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