


Deep Purple 合唱團是以重金屬搖滾樂聞名,也是我聽搖滾樂的入門團體。很小的時候,一位年長的大哥給我們幾個小毛頭聽他珍藏的黑膠唱片,當時印象最深刻的不是最為人熟知的High Way Star,而是這首抒情又傷感的 Soldier of Fortune。很久以後才知道這是一首反戰歌曲,是為了抗議當年越戰而寫的。想起當年看的現代啟示錄及越戰獵鹿人這些電影,現在才真正懂了。藝術家們當時以各種形式的創作,來對抗因政客野心引發的無謂的戰爭,對於無辜犧牲生命的士兵,有著無限的惋惜與無奈。四處漂泊的士兵,無法掌控自己的生命,又一心期待與所愛的人相守,只能隨命運浮沉....

Soldier of Fortune

 By Deep Purple


I have often told you stories
About the way
I lived the life of a drifter
Waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand
And sing you songs
Then maybe you would say
Come lay with me love me
And I would surely stay

But I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

Many times I've been a traveller
I looked for something new
In days of old
When nights were cold
I wandered without you
But those days I thougt my eyes
Had seen you standing near
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that you're not here

Now I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
Yes, I can hear the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

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