以下的版本是一個繪本的畫面 男童聲演唱
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影片下方有一段評論 介紹此繪本故事
I am an artist and children's book illustrator myself ;"The Snowman" has been a very special book and an inspiration for me . Wordless picture book tells it all. This fantastical journey captures a child’s daydream of a magical snowman. My Hat is off to Raymond Briggs. This book is a master piece in Children's books literature.I love the movie and the walking in the air song too.. feelings of magic and remembering our inner child ,being a kid again ..
歌詞及翻譯 引用: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/9191580.html
Walking in the Air
We’re walking in the air
We’re floating in the moonlit sky
The people far below are sleeping as we fly
We’re holding very tight
I’m riding in the midnight blue
I’m finding I can fly so high above with you
Far across the world
The villages go by like dreams
The rivers and the hills
The forests and the streams
Children gaze open mouthed
Taken by surprise
Nobody down below believes their eyes
We’re surfing in the air
We’re swimming in the frozen sky
We’re drifting over icy mountains floating by
Suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep
Rousing up a mighty monster from his sleep
We’re walking in the air
We’re dancing in the midnight sky
And everyone who sees us greets us as we fly
空中漫步 我们在空中漫步
我们紧紧地拥抱 我在蓝色的夜空下驰骋
远远的穿越世界 村庄像梦一样go by(给我找一个形象的词)
还有大河和群山 森林和溪流 孩子们吃惊的张开了嘴
我们在空中穿梭 我们在清冷的空中游泳
我们从漂浮的冰山上越过 我们从空中俯冲入深深的大海
把巨大的海怪从沉睡中惊醒 我们在空中漫步
我们在午夜的空中舞蹈 我们飞过时

感謝YY的以下的回應補充 :
唉呀 這個小女生可大有來頭 她叫 Connie Talbot
是幾年前Britain has got Talent的亞軍. 那年的冠軍是Paul Potts,
他和去年的蘇姍大嬸一樣, 因為歌聲與外表落差太大而引起討論.
這位小康妮, 我記得好像二年前去過台灣,當時應是近端午節, 她去參加陶子的星光大道, 主審張宇還一直嚷著要娶她當兒媳啊..
她是兩歲時, 為了安撫/陪伴因乳癌化療的外婆而開始唱歌,因為被發掘了唱歌天份.
說到 snow man,我婆婆要轉贈我三張舞台劇的票, 卻因為我無法去取票而作罷. 聽說是年年聖誕都會演.
我在電視看到卡通了, 更好像舞台劇怎麼演, 因為裡頭一句話都沒有,全用"看"的.