高雄市市長暨財團法人2009世界運動會組織委員會基金會董事長 陳菊
台灣,Formosa,一個美麗、良善、在艱難中奮鬥的國家;高雄,一個熱情、友善的城市。在這,咱共同為2009 世運會,逗陣合作、作伙打拼,創造人類社會的和平和光榮。也再一次歡迎來自全世界105個國家的朋友,感謝各位。
Preside Speech of Kaohsiung City Mayor,Chu Chen .
President Ma, President Ron Froehlich of IWGA, IOC Vice President Chiharu Igaya, President Marcus Stephen, athletes and friends from around the world, and friends in front of your TV, it is with great pleasure that I extend a very sincere welcome to you, on behalf of the 1.5 million citizens of Kaohsiung.
I would like to thank IWGA for giving us the privilege and opportunity to host the World Games. May the world now begin to experience, how Taiwan cherishes every chance to produce the best, to embrace the world, and to demonstrate our confidence and robust capacity to shoulder international commitments.
Over 5,000 athletes and coaches from 105 countries have come for the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung. We may have different cultures and languages, but all share the same spirit of the World Games: peace, friendship, and collaboration. We all firmly believe that in the international community, everyone must work together and no country should ever be neglected. It was through a cycle of cooperation that we have been able to overcome challenge after challenge, to make the world a better place.
Taiwan, Formosa, is a beautiful country fighting in difficulties. And Kaohsiung, is a friendly city, where we all have worked hand in hand to create peace and glory.
Once again, I extend to all of you – friends from 105 countries, a jubilant welcome.
Thank you.