每到初秋 我就會想起這首歌
第一次知道此曲 是在爸爸買給我的ㄧ本世界名曲精華上(可惜不知到哪去了)
我覺得詞很美 就拿起口琴 照著歌譜吹出旋律 一吹就愛上了此曲
那個時代我們沒留聲機 也買不起唱片
也許不太正確 但日後聽到總覺熟悉
後來經濟改善了 才比較有機會好好聽唱片錄音帶
不知道為何這幾年總是想起爸爸 給我的生命播下許多優美智慧的種子
思父之情 是這麼的綿綿不絕
'Tis the last rose of summer這是夏日最後的玫瑰
Left blooming alone;獨自綻放著;
All her lovely companions所有昔日動人的同伴
Are faded and gone;都已凋落殘逝;
No flower of her kindred,身旁沒有同類的花朵,
No rose-bud is nigh,沒有半個玫瑰苞,
to reflect back her blushes,映襯她的紅潤,
Or give sigh for sigh.分擔她的憂愁。
I'll not leave thee, thou lone one!我不會離開弧零零的妳!
To pine on the stem;讓妳單獨地憔悴;
Since the lovely are sleeping,既然美麗的同伴都已入眠,
Go, sleep thou with them.去吧!妳也和她們一起躺著。
thus kindly I scatter為此,我好心在散放
Thy leaves o'er the bed妳的麗葉在花床上
Where thy mates of the garden那兒,也是妳花園的同伴
Lie scentless and dead.無聲無息躺著的地方。
Soon may I follow,不久我也可能追隨我朋友而去,
When friendships decay,當友誼漸逝,
And from Love's shining circle像從燦爛之愛情圈中
The gems drop away.掉落的寶石。
When true hearts lie withered,當忠誠的友人遠去,
And fond ones are flown,所愛的人飛走,
O! who would inhabit啊!誰還願留在
This bleak world alone?這荒冷的世上獨自淒涼?
The Last Rose of Summer is a poem by Irish poet Thomas Moore, who was a friend of Byron and Shelley. Moore wrote it in 1805 while at Jenkinstown Park in County Kilkenny, Ireland. Sir John Stevenson, 1761-1833, set the poem to its beautiful melody and it was published in a collection of Moore's work called Irish Melodies (1807-34).---From Wikipedia (更多)
以上引用自: hackbakstng43
http://www.youm aker.com/video/sv?id=b3c5905250b24cd2acafb9985652ccd6001